September 2010

Backj in Helens Bay after our "holidays" in Denmark. Now Poul has to practise his bike before travelling al the way to Denmark. All that remains is to pack up house and move back to Liseleje.
Helens Bay Golf Club
Our last few days in Helens Bay were spent with Patricia in her gorgeous home.
Patricia and her lovely flatcoat retriever,Holly

the greenhouse,
the view from the patio over the Lough
Patricia has some special night time guests, the badgers. She feeds them nuts on the patio and she has now looked af īter generationbs of badgers. This was the end of our time in Northern Ireland and especially, Helens Bay. We say thank you and see you later.
Back in Denmark, the Johansson family came for a visit and we went to Hundested for lunch. In the background you may be able to spot Claus and Poul

Mikkel and Susanne.